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Batman: Arkham Origins 720p Torrent

a5c7b9f00b Set in Batman&#39;s early career, a young and inexperienced Bruce Wayne takes to the streets of Gotham in an attempt to thwart the efforts of 8 assassins to put an end to his war on crime, whilst making new friends - and enemies - along the way. Your enemies will define you. One week after the Joker&#39;s chaotic attacks on Christmas Eve, the president of GothCorp, Ferris Boyle, is set to receive an award for Gotham&#39;s Humanitarian of the Year. But before he can accept it, a man in a robotic, cryo-suit calling himself Mr. Freeze storms Wayne Manor and kidnaps him. Aided by The Penguin&#39;s henchmen, the man with the cold, cold heart leaves with Boyle, putting all of Bruce Wayne&#39;s guests in jeopardy. Quickly, he dashes to the Batcave to suit up. After taking out all the thugs in the mansion, he follows Boyle to GothCorp where he discovers Penguin working with Freeze. Realizing his normal bat suit wouldn&#39;t stand a chance against the harsh, cryogenic chemicals in the lab, Batman sends for a new prototype suit that can withstand subzero temperatures before he can take down his icy foes. At the same time, Batman discovers Mr. Freeze&#39;s chilling backstory, and how Ferris Boyle is anything but a humanitarian. Back in 2009, Rocksteady blew our minds by showing us their capabilities of fusing the story of the Dark Knight with the medium of video games. A new standard for superhero games was set and the Arkham series was born. Fast forward four years and we are lucky enough to be getting our hands on the third installment in the Arkham universe with Batman: Arkham Origins. If you have enjoyed the two previous releases by Rocksteady, then the studio taking the reins on this prequel will not disappoint you. Yes, I said prequel, and yes a new studio has been put in charge for this game. WB Games Montreal has been given the keys to the Arkham franchise and has decided to expand the story back in time to when Bruce Wayne is starting to discover his potential as the unstoppable protector of Gotham that he will become.<br/><br/>WB doesn&#39;t waste any time and within a few short moments of starting the game, we are given the general plot outline and the path that lies before our hero. We are thrown into the combat very quickly as well and the developers do a good job of assisting those who have never played an Arkham game before by including on-screen button queues to which you can quickly learn from. However this is done so as to not take away from those who are experienced, and allow us to dive right in to the immediate free-flowing mechanics that we love in the Arkham series. The controls definitely take a page right out of Rocksteady&#39;s book and maintain the same high level of precision and satisfaction however, the lack of innovation in regards to the controls is imminent. It feels as though at any moment you could be plucked from Origin&#39;s world and dropped into City&#39;s and the fighting would continue like you never knew different. Besides a few new finishing moves the combat system as a whole remains virtually the same. On the other hand, WB has given us a few new boss battle encounters that must be given credit. Exciting, playable action mixed with fantastic cut-scenes makes for an unforgettable experience when facing the many bosses in this game. Not only is fast finger button sequencing required, but equally important is deciding which fighting move you will decide to use to inflict your damage because button mashing will not suffice. Another new component this game offers is the ability to earn XP in each and every encounter with enemies. Finish off a group of thugs and you will be rewarded based on a number of different factors such as stealth, takedowns, variety, and more. I enjoyed the push to change up my fighting strategy throughout the game however I felt that the rewards were sometimes inconsistent. In one battle, I dropped in from above and took out the group of thugs very quickly while keeping my combo meter going intact throughout the fight. I proudly finished off the last enemy but was strangely rewarded with a 25% grade for my actions. In another encounter, I snuck up behind a thug to take him down silently but failed to do so without being seen. I then was able to defeat the rest of his crew who had been alerted but took some damage from them in doing so. To my surprise I was awarded with a 100% grade and the entire bonus XP that came with it. Although this unexplainable grading system didn&#39;t happen every time, I did find myself receiving all sorts of different grades throughout my adventures in Gotham and was not able to figure out the exact reason for this.<br/><br/>Even with its minor imperfections, Arkham Origins is yet another fulfilling Batman game. The plot gets more interesting as you progress and even throws a couple twists in here and there which worked effectively. There are some bug problems and the occasional latency issues that occur periodically during fights, but this doesn&#39;t hinder you from having a truly satisfying experience in the world of Gotham. Sometimes it&#39;s hard not to feel like faulting WB for its lack of innovation here and that not much has changed since the last installment. But while this may be true to some extent, it&#39;s still a whirlwind of non-stop action with a great story, fun combat, and fabulous boss battles that will have you glued to your TV. Whether this is your first crack at the Arkham series, or your third experience with the Bat, you will be left wanting more. Coming from a long-time fan of the series, I can&#39;t wait until the next Arkham game is released but deep down I am hoping that Rocksteady gets back in the driver&#39;s seat for our ride into the next generation. Pros: <br/><br/>More Variety in the designs of enemies.<br/><br/>I believe there were more costumes in this one than Arkham City.<br/><br/>Better and longer DLC than Arkham City. ( Cold Cold Heart ) <br/><br/>Okay story, but I like City and Asylum&#39;s stories more. <br/><br/>Cons: <br/><br/>The design of the environment isn&#39;t as appealing to me as Arkham City&#39;s environment design was.<br/><br/>Black Mask and most of the assassins hired to kill Batman were reduced in story importance to allow the Joker to shine. <br/><br/>I didn&#39;t like the sound tracks in this game as much as the ones in City, but these were decent. <br/><br/>Short Summary: It&#39;s a decent game that has good things the other two games didn&#39;t, and vice versa. In all, I had more fun with City than Origins. But Origins is good in its own way. This is the third game in the &quot;Arkham Tetralogy,&quot; which also includes <a href="/title/tt1282022/">Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)</a>, <a href="/title/tt1568322/">Batman: Arkham City (2011)</a>, and <a href="/title/tt3554580/">Batman: Arkham Knight (2015)</a>, serving as a prequel to the other three installments. Though NOT an origin story, it does take place in a Year One/Legends of the Dark Knight context, with the action beginning around Christmas Eve of Bruce&#39;s second year as Batman. Batman is still mainly fighting drug lords and mob bosses at this point in his career, and the closest thing he has to an archenemy is the Roman. He also has little support from the Gotham Police, who have assembled a taskforce (which includes a young Jim Gordon) to hunt him down. Other villains who share the Dark Knight&#39;s &quot;flair for the dramatic&quot; begin to appear, most notably, , who places a $50 million bounty on Batman&#39;s head which attracts the attention of 8 deadly assassins. This is depicted as the first time Batman has faced villains on his power level. The crime ridden Old Gotham has not yet been re-purposed, and Batman will be able to freely explore this area.appears in Multiplayer, and other heroes, such as Green Arrow, get subtle Easter Eggs hinting at their existence, but Batman goes it alone. His need for allies is actually a plot point. There are two possible reason why he did it.<br/><br/>1) Batman is determined to make sure all wrongdoers face justice for their crimes. He wanted to see the Joker go to jail to pay for the heinous crimes he&#39;d committed that night.<br/><br/>2) He didn&#39;t want to risk Joker possibly surviving the fall and getting away. Earlier that night, Commissioner Loeb died and Electrocutioner got away because Batman didn&#39;t act in time to rescue and restrain them, respectively. He acted very quickly to save Joker from the fall because, as evil as he was, Batman preferred Joker go to jail than die, and he found this new villain very intriguing and didn&#39;t want to let him go just yet. 1. Blackgate prison.<br/><br/>2. The upper levels of the Royal Hotel beyond the Overview Bar. The swimming pool, panorama and penthouse are no longer accessible at the game&#39;s end.<br/><br/>3. The Bridge: beyond the fire door.<br/><br/>4. The shopping mall complex in Burnley can&#39;t be accessed after the Shiva side-mission is complete.<br/><br/> Black Mask - He initially appears to be the main villain,but this is really an impostor. The real Black Mask eventually escapes and attempts to rebuild his criminal empire with a series of drug deals. However, Batman captures him after destroying his hidden drug stashes.<br/><br/>: Initially appearing to be a theatrical nuisance who is slowly escalating, he turns out to be the real mastermind behind the bounty on Batman.<br/><br/>: He is targeting the once powerful Falcone crime family, and is shown threatening . He also has two femme fatale enforcers that Batman must fight. He has not yet received the eye injury he has in Arkham City.<br/><br/>Anarky: Reimagined as a black bloc style street protestor, he has placed remote bombs in three locations.<br/><br/>Mad Hatter: Triggers a hallucinatory &quot;nightmare level&quot; which serves a spiritual successor to thelevels in the first game.<br/><br/>: At this phase in his career, he is a computer hacker calling himself Enigma. He initially appears to be plotting to blackmail prominent citizens, but it is later suggested that he plans to release his extortion data over the web to drive the city into chaos.<br/><br/>: In the main campaign, she has a cameo in her pre-villainous civilian identity. She is featured more prominently in the Multiplayer mode.<br/><br/>Calendar Man: He has a small cameo at the beginning.<br/><br/>: Though not in the retail version, he features prominently in downloadable content.<br/><br/>Many of the 8 super assassins serve as bosses, and each represent a certain skill set which makes conventional attacks ineffective:<br/><br/>: He provides the first boss fight. His specialty is brute strength<br/><br/>: The veteran mercenary has an arsenal that rivals the size of Batman&#39;s, but primarily uses melee weapons here. He specializes in counterattacks.<br/><br/>Deadshot: The master sniper is not an actual boss fight, but he does figure prominently in a side mission. He behaves similar to an armored sniper, but he can use ricochets to circumvent cover, and his weapon deals roughly twice the damage as the standard sniper rifle.<br/><br/>: Stun/shock attacks. He is teased as the second supervillain boss battle, but is actually beaten easily due to his overconfidence (on the lower difficulty settings, he is felled by only one punch). After he is defeated, Batman acquires his shock gloves as a weapon.<br/><br/>: As a ninja master, she specializes in fast combo attacks, cycling between three melee combat styles during her bossfight. She is featured more prominently in side-missions, it is implied that she is an advance agent for .<br/><br/>: Reimagined as a female contortionist, her primary specialty is poison.<br/><br/> : He serves as the penultimate boss, attempting to destroy the Gotham Bridge. His specialty is explosives.<br/><br/>: A masked terrorist with more personal reasons for taking down Batman, he is the secondary antagonist of the storyline, and serves as the game&#39;s final boss. Out of all the assassins charged with finding and killing Batman, Bane is the only one who appears to be doing it for personal reasons.He has a repertoire of power moves that result in instant death if they connect. JustCommissioner Gillian LoebandLester Buchinsky (Electrocutioner). <br/><br/>Also,Alfred and Bane both die temporarily, but Batman manages tobring them back to life with Electrocutioner&#39;s gloves.Batman, Joker, James Gordon, Barbara Gordon (Oracle), Riddler (Enigma), Harley Quinn, Quincy Sharp, and Bruce&#39;s parents.

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