7cb1d79195 Marcos is an architect, an average, middle class family guy who is facing a middle age crisis. He falls into despair after losing unfairly against mega lawyers, felling crashed by the very same system that he had faith in and he had treated with integrity and honesty all of his life. But now, seems to have betrayed him, thus coming to the undoubtedly conclusion he tried not to believe all of his life, that the system can only be fair to money and capital. Driven by insanity, he has decided to abandon his wife and children and drives forever; seeking the courage he needs to put a gun in his head thus leaving a fortune to his beloved family with his Life Insurance Policy. Thus proving that fraud is the only way to success in a world controlled by Corporations and Wealth instead of Laws and Integrity. Desperate for answers, angry at the world, he nervously awaits for that moment to find the courage to opt for death as he continues driving to nowhere...On the dark, winding road to suicide and on the verge of insanity, he sees a stowaway in his car, an eerie little girl - on a different kind of journey.
A man drives away from home waiting for that moment to opt for suicide. On the verge of insanity, he discovers a strange travel companion. Catchphrase: "The Road to Suicide is a Hell of a Thing"
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Updated: Mar 17, 2020